Track #3: Viral Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a devastating viral disease that generally progresses slowly, meaning patients often remain asymptomatic and unaware they are infected until very serious and often expensive complications emerge as a result of damage to the liver. It is estimated that about half of those infected are not aware that they carry the virus. The recent remarkable advances in treating hepatitis C built on incremental improvements achieved over the previous two decades to transform hepatitis C from a chronic, fatal disease, to an infection that with new and forthcoming treatments, can be potentially cured.

This session emphasizes on:

  • Recent Advances in Hepatitis C therapy
  • Prevention of HCV reinfection
  • HCV: Direct Acting Antiviral Era
  • Hepatitis C: Epidemiology
  • HCV Kinetic Models and Implications in Drug Development
  • Treatment options in patients who failed DAA regimens 
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