Track #8: Liver Diseases Diagnosis

Screening for Liver diseases has been advocated with the intention of intervening to halt its progression. Abnormal liver tests are those that measure synthesis of proteins made by the liver (albumin, clotting factors) or the liver's capacity to metabolize drugs. 

This session mainly deals with the following issues :
  • Liver Tests
  • Transient elastography
  • Shear Wave Elastography
  • Fibroscan
  • Liver imaging

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Track #7: Pregnancy and Liver Diseases

Several disorders contribute to liver disease in pregnancy such as acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (IHCP), hyperemesis gravidarum and hemolysis and elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. 

This track on Pregnancy & Liver Diseases includes the following subtracks:

  • Hepatitis during pregnancy
  • Acute Fatty liver of pregnancy
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

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Track #6: Liver Transplantation and Surgery

Liver transplantation surgery technique to replace a diseased or injured liver with a healthy liver delivered from a healthy person. #Doctors or #surgeons suggest liver #transplant #surgery to the patients who suffer from severe Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) or Chronic liver failure. This surgery carries a risk of other complications including infection, liver inflammation, blood clots, liver rejection, memory and thinking problems.

Submit your abstract to #Track6, Visit  to know more .

Track #5: HCV/HIV Co-infection

As the transmission routes are mostly common, the patients with Human Immuno Virus are often co-infected with #Hepatitis C Virus. One third of the patients with #HIV also have #HCV. Following HIV infection, it speeds up the Liver damage and hence can worsen Hepatitis C. 

This session titled HCV/HIV #Co-infection deals with the management of HCV in HIV infected individuals. In order to be a part of this session, kindly submit your abstract. 

For abstract submissions & to now more visit:

Just 10 Days Left!!!

Last 10 days left for the 6th International Conference on Hepatology to be held in the beautiful city of Osaka. Book your slots now to ava...